Friday, February 13, 2009

I've just discovered this new facility here on facebook, the NOTE section, and am high influenced by a friend who is merely 20 years of age, whose insights and adage inspires me to dive myself into the cankering sound of rushing black keyboards, forming aphorisms I'd like to call my own.

decided to use it while waiting for my documents to be scanned and printed, scanned and printed, scanned and print (x 12337384623-5940 times)

In just one day, the preparation for university has slowly endowed me with these various qualities: Patience, meticulous, tech-savvy cosmopolitan IT girl. This is what i've been doing for the past 1 hour (and still counting towards the end of the day)-> Sieve material, scan, save, print, walk towards printer, open cartridge, place forms in order, pack them properly, return original documents. repeat the entire process over again till end..... i finally understand how factory workers feel.

I must have already used up the whole stack of HP everyday paper, 500 sheets (Swore for top quality), printing the 3 stacks of application materials, referral letters, awards, results, testimonials. Small price to pay to "lay out a bright path for thy own future" Sometimes i wonder "What am i complaining about?"

Anyway i've been procrastinating for far too long, always busy with tuition, work, dance, competitions, performance, 21st birthdays and what not. EUNICE CHEW! SNAP OUT OF IT!

So much effort put in with just a mustard seed grain of hope that one would get accepted for the as promised prestigious placement in the local university, bearing the dream of prestigious degree, prestigious job, title and due recognition in the years to come..... typical Singaporean dream "As quoted, Singapore Dreaming"

"people want to see what you're worth!" my mother says. So, everything is like a package? The world encompasses such fraudulence. Don't get me wrong, not being negative here. Merely stating the fact.

Yes, we humans look and favor "beauty", regardless of it's relativity. I guess that's how we were created, born and designed to seek out beauty.

Say, you make a friend. First thing that your senses pick up, is aesthetic chemistry. I'm not saying the person has to look exactly like Brad Pitt or have the appeal of Gwyneth Paltrow. We would be more apt to accept and be receptive to the person's advances as long as that person is presentable. Everyone, and i mean EVERYONE is guilty as charged of this demeanor. Nothing wrong about it hahah because we were born that way. We act that way even before our minds connect and sends a signal to our subconscious self that "Hey! you're being shallow here"

Say, you go to an interview or want to be chosen for a role in an action movie. Directors and cast managers are all about the looks. It takes only 5 secs for someone to form a first impression of you, and it lasts forever. (The rest is history) One is more likely to employ someone with clean cool cut, but not so impressive resume, than someone who has an IQ of 300 but comes in scrawny, disheveled, and wears no pants.

Humans are superficial:)

Everything is just a package. It comes and goes and passes like the wind. Why hanker?

Alright, i was rudely interrupted by 1) My mother's nagging and messing up my applications, 2)the empty printer ink, haix... why so much hindrance!! I just want to complete something this very moment and now i have to wait....

You know what they say, "If it's yours it'll naturally come to you"

My friend just shared her good news that she has just been offered a sponsorship. She's one of those kinds whom i realized, is always in favor of God's blessings. Good things come to her, just as bees are attracted to honey. Probably because she lives for God's words as well, always so sweet, nice, obliging. There was a period when we were classmates in school, i was often worried for her interpersonal skills with the rest in class. Her guileless and innocence stole hated stares and gossips about the way she did her presentations. I never told her about it for fear of hurting her feelings. I only pulled her away from those vipers vindictive snaps and took it upon myself to defend her in speech.

Why must people be so bad to each other? Although i am sometimes guilty of falling into an abyss of confrontations, i often feel terrible about it after that and make sure i end it well.

I hate to see conspicuous discrimination and do nothing about it. I still remember the awkwardness whilst entering class with a hateful mindset that everyone is bad and against such a kind doe deer. Sometimes i think i ponder too much and take upon unnecessary burdens, making myself so miserable. I finally realized she had the magnanimity to sieve out the unedifying comments and only "listen to the good things". I used to have such strong feelings of sympathy for her, being subjected to so much humiliation in class when all i could do to protect her is spit back the poison. Then i realized she was much stronger than myself. Stronger than anyone who judged her. I realized they were gossiping to cover up their own insecurities.

That's why god has his way of loving and providing for her. Be it relationships, studies, career. I can see he has a good plan, to guide and protect her. I'm comforted.

Y2:51:00 PM

♥i'm soaring high anyway.....

♥I'm a girl with 2 eyes, a nose and a mouth

♥Alot of things in life that money can't buy


I like hearts

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February 2009

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