Saturday, October 25, 2008

This post is specially dedicated to Miss Liana Lim, my dearest FYP Team Mates, Cat and Cheryl dearies and especially my parents!

Haha this year's birthday's much too different from the past years, many pre-mature surprises, belated surprises and eventful actual day itself. This post is really belated as well! Up to my throat with FYP, school, projects, dance (and especially dance) and what nots:)

I'm so happy that my parents and church dearies gave me a special birthday surprise this year! before my birthday that i was so busy with mid point to do anything else! Yes, Final Year Project midpoint presentation on my birthday itself. Rather hectic. My parents and friends decided to celebrate for me before it all haha....

Best of all that commotion and hullabaloo, i didn't even suspect anything! Imagine, clad in pajamas, lying on my couch in the living room without a bra and watching TV awaiting dinner when everyone budged in! It was a lovely surprise and very thoughtful of them anyway :):) I LOVE YOU ALL!!

A day before my birthday, FYP team had to go source for installation materials all around beach road, Arab street and party shops! In the midst of playing, getting scratched by Lisa's finger nails, obtaining a new nick name NINI!! my fyp team mates actually found time to plan a surprise for me as well! I"M SO TOUCHED! i was an hour late for my midpoint meeting on the 15th and thank god they bought the cake without cream ahha! thank you my dears so much for the surprise, the VERY CREATIVE POEM, the planner and all your love! I LOVE YOU!

Thank you miss Florina for your special "GOAT" clip and note too:) AWWW:):)

My dearie St nicks cloud 9 gals Stella and Manda babes also gave me a surprise:) Thank you dearies for the Swensons treat and the birthday ice cream and the card that i was soooo blur throughout it all!

My heart goes out to Stella especially, despite her mother's hospitalization on that day itself, she still came to surprise me... My condolences for your lost. I really teared for you and your family, and i just want you to know that you have my and all our cloud 9 friend's support. I love you dear! :)

Then just yesterday, my classmates gave me a surprise card. Mastermind and creative director of it all was Miss Liana Lim hehe and her ingenious recycled birthday card tradition for all her friends! She was so sweet to ask everyone to sign and even burnt a poem twice before she got the burn edges right! Awwwwww i'm so touched! heheh

I honestly expected a quiet birthday with just myself and family having a meal together somehow in the midst of a busy FYP life, but you guys just add so much color into my life. Special thanks to all of you who msged, MSNed, facebooked and friendstered birthday greetings heh, Thank you for remembering! I thank god so much for all of this, i truly do appreciate all your efforts and am touched to the core by all your cares and concerns! It's because god's blessings that i have you guys with me that makes life worthwhile and so bearable!

*And you:) thank you for being the first to call me at 12midnight on the 15th haha, i really appreciate your "under the tree" phone calls heheh

FYP fund raising which thanks all my FYP team mates, was a great great great success! Thank God for the providence of 49 cars, lots of cash donations and abi's dad's sponsorship of materials and methods. Another special mention to Miss Liana Lim who so specially helped out, she specially got her hands and shirt and jeans dirty and her wholeself tired out helping us wash the cars! I'm so touched!!! AWWWW (i don't know how many times i'm going to say this man) ahaah Liana, one day you're going to get yourself a damn good husband to take care and love you like you love all your friends:):) i'm going to make sure you find that guy... and especially he must be able to support you and your rice and Chi Ko Pak habits all your life!!! wahahahah!

Arghhh that's the problem with not posting on time, too much details, too little patience to blog about it anymore hehe.... my fingers stop here for now as i drift off to a land of blue skies, windmills, rainbows and a svelte physique

Y10:43:00 PM

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

so what's up during the holidays? heh....BJs!!


And More BJS!!

Did Tian Chang Di Jiu Concert...took Zhao Yong Hua

Press conference. We stayed at Intercontinental Hotel...the bed....was great!

Oh look! Pan Mei Chen and Sky Wu....

Miss Maisy and I.. Thank God for her company...:):)

Goofing around against the wallpaper we like so much!

Zhao and Bei-Ren-Da!! :):) So cute and funny!

The Power of Make up!

Suntec convention Halls 602-603

Have to entertain our guest while waiting for the Artist party....

The Manager, the artist, & the Make up artist...
I kinda had fun and gained a whole load of exposure to what goes behind the scenes for a major concert production...most of the crew were from esplanade....i was glad to be given the opportunity...and earn the extra moolahs:):)... things went pretty well besides the flight luggauge delay on the first day....I gave my very first Mustafa experience to this bunch of foreigners when they arrived because they had to gather their necessities like make up and brushes..... Seemed like a local foreigner with the foreigners in a foreign mustafa land....
Had to be at the venue from afternoon till night though and return home at 12 midnight on the the midst we met interesting people, bunk in the artist's room and learnt who's straight and who's gay in the chinese entertainment biz :P (bonus material)..... One thing i loved loved loved about this the wonderful sheets in the hotel! OMG how do i even describe the bed..... you expect to just lie in it....instead you sink into its fabric and float to dreamland without even realising it.... I have decided to invest in a great bed! Fluffy pillows and a thick comforter.... any recommendations for brands?! :)
Nowadays FYP, school, dance and tuition are the most of what my life is made up off.... gosh.... need a breather....i have no time for anything else!! but busy is good haha....i hope things run smoothly from now on:):)

Y5:02:00 PM

♥i'm soaring high anyway.....

♥I'm a girl with 2 eyes, a nose and a mouth

♥Alot of things in life that money can't buy


I like hearts

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