Sunday, August 17, 2008


Although only three weeks but still better than nothing.... last week of school was a mad rush with completing FYP proposal, i almost had a heart attack counting down to the 12pm dateline that frightful day because i found out at 1025am that i was supposed to be adding in the installation details. I almost wanted to skip arts management class that day just to complete the proposal....working between 2nd meeting, browsing websites for CV templates for class and looking up from my vigorous typing to answer the facil....omg...i almost went mad... but i'm proud to say I DID IT! proclaimed myself fastest fingers first!!! wahaha.... and the proposal got accepted! and i obtained an A for that day *Tweeze*!!!

Anyway... i don't tink i'll miss the stressful school days with fake faces of smiling and yadayada negativity.... this holiday is much called for and i have the whole lot planned ahead for the next three weeks, everyday is packed... and i'm glad... more things to do that means less idle time for rotting away at home... counting down the days.... i'm flying off on the 21st this coming thursday... T3 coffee bean last minute meeting and briefing plus lugging of suitcases and itnery.. honestly, i'm not very excited about it... more of like i don't know what to expect of this school trip... not like the time in SP to Malacca... all my best friends whom i know i will have a good time with.... Pray PRAy PRAY!! this $1100 SGD gotta be worth it....

LAst day of school last minute photoshoot....Miss curly hair Van Van owes me a bubble tea for the last minute notice!!:)

Piles of unhygenic make up...

Very nice photo shoot set up:) with the hunks and babes of RP and Poster Boy rong wei's information of music and sponsorship... good to pass time waha!

Cutie Majori's blazer! Pinned to fit her small frame... she's so uber cute!!!!

Grab the photos at OSG webby later.... Then we had the outdoor shoot...I'D BE MORTIFIED!!! we were told to jump up... shan't explain the horrifying details, those who were there will know...wahah...

Dearie Klarie made these cute things!! OMG....the icing's perfect!

She green-heart me.... i red-heart her... awwwww

It's kinda sad that only towards the end of the 16 weeks of arts management class did i get a chance to know the few numbnuts in that class better, namely- klaire,ai-de (short one) etc, they are damn funny and always sing K-box in class...Ling hui even brought her mike to school! omg... really making full use of the school facilities before we leave RP for good.... hahaha... hmmm reflecting on my perceived image before- was i too fierce? was i too serious? dull face jane who never laughed except at cynical remarks? or perhaps i was too caught up at achieving and doing presentations plus shooting down those half sharpened arrows by lazy bums blabber mouth hoping to get a better grade, not by doing work, but by making unsolicited comments which doesn't make sense to the whole class.... anyway, i'm all these for what?..... end of 16 weeks, i find myself with the cheese i've always wanted... or so i thought.....


Me and Sam went to work at the 12th infocomm exhibition at Suntec city convention hall last thursday..(i missed dance!:() we both broke our shoes!!!!

TA-DA! Cisco booth and the survey forms almost drown me haha.... what a flutter.... SAM! You got featured on zhao bao when the minister came hehe! my half a head was featured too cos i was too engrossed in packing the surveys....

After which we went to Ministry of Food for Jap food... ramen course was alright, but the confusing discount details was damn jialat.... ambience was princessy... the best thing i liked... was this pot of tea.....haha

Sam ah sam.... you're damn funny lah... go shopping also must sms your friend see whether can buy or not hahahah then we went for a panties rampage!!! wahahhahahah we were choosing the smallest sizes amongst a rack of oversize panties that would drop once you wear it wahahah... sam still say she didn't want to wear PANTS instead of panties.... omg.... enough juicy details... i'm laughing as i'm typing this... Point is.... i laughed till i rolled on the floor of Top Shop... embarrassing!!!! SAM i hope you can fit into them... otherwise your poor mother have to wear those fanciful underwear!

rushing to complete the entry and go for my jog before it turns too dark!!!

This is tuition kid, mr penguino clarenco... and his baby brother hehe....

Everytime i scold you and you giggle with this nonsense smile.... hai... i really don't know what to do with you....

Movies!! It's been 100230493059 months since i last went for a real movie screening... haha... saturday at PS watching LOVE GURU.... damn funny!! i was laughing my butt off and the whole seat was shaking...hehe.... see the enclosed...obvious HIS dirty camo cream fingers... eeeee... hehe... thanks for the movie and sorry for hogging the pop corns!!!

Went to DIASO... and spotted alot of interesting stuff.....including this penguin water fliter!! it flaps it's flappers when moved left to cute!!! hehe


The soup was practically filled with chilli.... the residue left after your sip up your soup is the chilli seeds... how can it not be spicy beyond belief...but the feeling is out of this world man.... florence and the rest were so marvelled at my rose red plumpy lips and the tears streaming out of my eyes as i ate this work of art..... the flakes at the side of the bowl were the chilli flakes... i must have looked like a mad lady crying, laughing and eating all at the same time!!!

Ahhhh well, sunday is rest day.... more to come in the next week... tuition... tuition.... and more tuition everyday till i fly off.... packing to do..... Mom has promised to go city plaza with me tmr!!! excited..... came past these tube dresses..... i think i got affected by SAM haaha must take picture and ask friend.....which one nicer?

Got alot of movies from my friends..... sure got things to do during holidays hehe.... i know i love it....XOXO!

Y6:24:00 PM

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I'm excited! i'm excited! Because it's the last week of school.....and everyone knows it well.... prove of RP student's self proclaimed holidays....just the two of us, Jane and me on arts marketing problem 15!!

After Dance class on thursday, half of me was hot and sticky with all the sweat, half of me feels icy and cold.... self-reproach system why i cannot forget and get over things even after the other half has clearly moved on.... I'm a silly girl.....

BUT.... when God closes a door...obviously a bad one with loose hinges, he opens a window, with the smell of roses outside....dinner at Chomps with Dearie Jo (never fails to perk me up! :) Love ya! with Mr BRIAN Lim Dao Qing (Drink Soya Sauce?!) and Paul was hilarious from the beginning till he fetched us home! :):)

All Squashed up behind! Me on Soya Sauce and Jo on me....Thank God no police on that day...

Boy, we could seriously consider joining Subaru "20 in one car" contest....we really squeezed like mad!! Poor Soya Sauce, he couldn't feel his legs when he got out of the car! i seriously should lose some weight.... working on it :X

It's in times like these where you need friends like them to cheer you up... they are like the tissues who soak up your tears.... either ways i'm greatful for the concern where i needed it most, no matter who it was...when i was sick, when i was sad.... i'll really return the favor and be there for you guys too!! :):)

I'm excited! I'm excited! Because NDP was finally here! I DID have a blast of my 2008!! (so far that is:))

We met early that day... early for once!!! haha.... preparing for NDP was the usual playing, laming, goofing, eating, drink half soden isotons that looked like yellow pee....haha!

My 2 NDP besties: Mabel and Joanne:):) What would NDP life be without them?--> Boring...Thank GOd for these 2 numbnuts!

Our Choco-Mocha ice cream lip stick before we went....XOXO

Where we specially dumped our barangs together and made special arrangements with Soon-to-be numbnut-in-law Victor CFX hehe....

Who could forget our aunties gang! They are so much fun haha with all their shared experience with life... Tampon jokes!! and hip knocking before we enter the performance arena.... fun!

Uncle Eric, whom i so happen to know so many years ago when i was so a Fat little nyumphet in St Nicholas.... haha he taught me my first slapping ladders and Mambo number 5.... the world is so small!

All rehearsing.... and three of us just didn't care :p

Donning on the macdonalds outfit...all set to go!

Time to line up to the floating platform!

On the way we heard some really funny songs like "old macdonalds and Dang wo men tong zai yi qi".... hmmmm sang by the enthu aunties whom mabel labelled as "The Minnie Mouse Club"!!

The many times pass Kenko and it's medical smell of could i forget....
Road block! Road block! I took pictures till i banged into 3 cones!

Nation queueing up to enter the performance area.... those lucky people...

Entering the backstage of floating platform!

All performers getting ready.... Jean Danker's army truck!

And then there were the Sexy leggy cheer leaders...

And the international cuties who reside in Singapore....

The Grey curtains! Just 5mm that seperates us from the performance platform and hundreds of audiences!!!...............Guess who's looking Jo ;)
Ladies and gentlemen! Introducing: Line Dance segment!! (Open curtain and FASTER RUN OUT!!)
While running out....... still managed to take a snap with my handphone camera! Could only manage to sneak in this:X
And there was it, just 5 minutes of performing.... after 6 months of rehearsals! I attended the first floating platform performance last year.. This year i'm here again... just on a different side of the stage....such an invirogating experience i'd never forget... performing on across the field for my nation fills me with such patriotic spirit.... haha who says we can't help if we're not in the army!! there's still dance!! hehe.....

All sweaty and Hyper after the performance, back beneath the platform again..... hmmm line of officers and flag beariers... wonder if Cousin Edwin and his fellow scholars were amongst them....Singapore's Elites!
There we were, hiding in the toliet and changing.... shan't explain why, least we get arrested because of my untactful words:p
We found seats at the green Zone!!
It was raining slightly... everyone had their red pon-chos on....Talk about Singapore Spirit...
We have our special pon-chos too okay.... hehz
Contingents....Although as compared to the preview of Olympics 08 opening ceremony the day before.... NDP was not much of a spectacle....but...still good:) Neat contigents....

SAF Special Accapella! Jeremy is in there! On the left of Jacintha....She's good.....He's good.....:):)
black Hawks just leaves me gasping for air because their performance was spectacle! I don't know why i was still having a bantle of little girl cries and squealms when i saw them fly across since i've already seen it every week.... the atmosphere and acknowledgment that you're in NDP itself speaks vast difference in perceived sight!!

Standing to welcome President Nathan....
Three Flowers.... Under our costumes for protection from the rain....

Performance officially began... as i carefully featured NDP happenings with my trusthy Camera phone which i've been growing fond of increasing as it journys with my "experditions":)...Notice the change of the sunlight....

Finally CFX came with our bags, clothes and food!! Change! Mabel... he's good:)
Joanne came to sit with me, giving the couple a little time on their own while both of us filled the front seats with our girlish screams of excitement and photo taking....

Well then of course, what's national day without the FIREWORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Bleh... failed attempt to capture the fireworks background....

YAY!!! offically ended NDP 08.... Aftermath was so much more interactive than the year before, they had DJ spinning heats while the performers jammed on the platform.... cool!
Love birds! I wish you all the best!! Get hitched next year on National Day! Get married on national Day! Give birth on National day every year till you've grown tired and weary of family life! :):) 0908 is such a special date for you guys i'd buy the date for you if it hadn't already belong to our country waha!
And for the record............he blinks again.....waha!
Ahhh.... three beauties.....NDP Blast 2008.......:):) LOVES!!!!!!!!!!

XOXO....I know i love it.....;)

Y11:23:00 PM

♥i'm soaring high anyway.....

♥I'm a girl with 2 eyes, a nose and a mouth

♥Alot of things in life that money can't buy


I like hearts

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February 2009

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