Sunday, December 23, 2007

Just finished a shot today at dover mrt. SP brings back so many happy memories of the days in DID with the mirth of laughter and joy especially the pain we've been through Cadding, rendering and model making... those were the days:)

Filming sure does take a long long time. 5 whole hours just for 2 footage. Different angles, multiple takes, touch ups etc gosh! Especially consideration of the bad weather, rain and all, good thing we only had to shuffle between two sheltered locations.

Arrived at appointed time slot of 130 yet had to entertain myself with a tour around SP campus while waiting for the film crew to arrive back from their cemetery shot :s.... Daily dosage of vitasoy is great for health and vitality... or so i'd liked to believe...

Finally getting down to business. Since it was a take outdoors, the bus stop was the dressing and make up room. Make up and touch up, loads of foundation and eyebrow shading?! I don't like bushy eyebrows! Filming outdoors is a noisy affair! The director had to make sure the cars and heavy trucks went by before rolling the cameras. But professionals aren't paid for nothing, camera and sound men worked as though adjusting volumes and getting the right reflector degree were a mundane thing. Comparing it with the days of Digital Media Arts classes where we took 4 whole hours just to wire up and take a few shots to perfection, carrying boom mikes, headphones and our DSLR video camera, no easy feat! Hands down-----It comes with experience

Little Miss Fury Bush (sounds wrong) and the make up artist

Lenny and me! poor production coordinator had to run rounds and make sure everything was inplace. Even had to fit in as "cal-le-fare "!

It started to rain just right after we finished and packed up at around 7pm, went to change and the crew headed off to another location. Television broadcast release on the 1st January!

I went to meet Mins and Jolene at Changi Airport to surprise Jolene on her 19th Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONKEY!!! and the surprise was............ME! haha Haven't met her in ages and was so excited to see that girl! 2 years since we last met cos of course transfer and school seperation.

Imagine a quiet airport filled with the scuffling of feet and trolleys towards the departure gates. Slient hugs and waves of goodbye as well as tears of joy upon seeing the missed love ones hung in the air of the stagnant movement within the hustle and bustle of terminal 1...............UNTIL THESE THREE INSANES ARRIVED AT THE VIEWING MALL AND DISRUPTED THE PEACE!!!! i swore the whole area was swamped with our contagious loud laughter while we exchanged salutations, sang a small birthday song, refreshed our memories with up to date informations about ourselves and exchange dirty glances at every pilot that walked by ;x;x Small frames with big hearts of love and joy. I thank God for friends like these.

At the viewing mall: Partners in crime! (Stop licking the lady you 2 numbnuts!)

Science-fiction discovery: What lies inside a kelaidescope (open your eyes and what do you see lalalala haha!! Especially Rihanna's Umbrella, in a club!)

The X-files: Suspicious character alert #1

The X-files #2: Confirm of suspicious character-> Jolene Alien attack!!!

I could never get enough of these two's nonsense! Mins progression with Katong Sebastian and filling me up with DID gossips, Jolene's crazy antics driving me to the brim of insanity! I got to feel once again the noisy train ride home, just the 3 of us, in our own world of girlish laughter and childish inside jokes

Missed them so much I HAD to make the trip all the way from Dover to the airport for this monkey and poor Mins too;p Wondering how she's been, hair grown longer? Has she still been sticking open her mouth like Dory from finding nemo (haha!) those days of crude and manner-less unlady-like banter and chatter from us famous 3 maiden-neers + one more gorilla Eleanor is a wrecket of ding dongs for T1 DID classes. The infamous NumbNuts relives!

Y1:53:00 AM

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Open house was not a blast............ at all......... even though publicity was all over the country and $$ spent on freebies, the attendence was a dismay and the wet weather contributed to the overall mood which reflected the adjectives--> Failure to launch......

The only good thing was the free 1 GB thumbdrive that me, wanning and eileen took great pains to secure. *Wanning, please remind me not to ever be so cheap-S ever again. ;) An embarassing situation forever lodged in our minds we had to run away from the booth to avoid being caught.

Negative-negative-negative-negative-negative-negative these vibes are indescribable and incomprehensive even for myself that i don't want to bother rendering each individual aspect of loathing emotion deep within the core of it's being. Filthy,degenerated and disgust screams from the bottom of my heart.

I've gotten ill, the pesty flu bug has finally caught up with me, and i thought i could outrun it....then we realise you can't run away from many things in life. Make blunders, wrong decisions, say and do the wrong things and we can only turn around, pat ourselves on the back and lick our own bleeding wounds. Pathetic. Sad sorrowful tale of human life.

Baby kind enough to adhere to my cravings of Crystal Jade porridge on monday. Thank you. Being thoughtful means alot to me:) He carried my big balloon all the way from school to my house. Thanks again:) you made me laugh so much in the train with the balloon got into EVERYBODY'S way. Thank you. Told me how much my open house attire looked as though i belong to part of the funeral parlor. Thank You~your gestures makes up for everything. Give me more................

Sliced Fish Congee for the sick and wounded.

Lopsided perspectives are great for hiding real reflections

I woke up with the rest of the remaining flu and a bount of cough i picked up in close contact from a random stranger. Insomnia has knocked on my wee hours for the past week and i find myself living at night and sneaking out to underage parties, gravelling with promiscuous kids and hitting off the wrong note with horny bastards. We all have needs. Moving on.

We should all have neat habits of brushing our teeth. Brush away the previous day's happenings, wash it off with anti-bacterian, spit the loot and start the day refresh. Life's all good again.

Y11:56:00 PM

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas is leaning near and so many gimmicks of lucky draws, midnight shopping sprees and end of year christmas season discount sales are going on. I think christmas is so commercially overrated no one ever thinks about it's real meaning anymore.

Last friday mom and dad succumbed to the temptations of over-night richness (haha). She signed up for the AMK Hub midnight lucky draw. Me and gabriel had to wait till the cows come home while they participated in the draws. Guess what! We won't absolutely nothing!!! The draw was a good time of 1130pm so we had to catch the last bus home at 1230 after supper. Well anyway, thus was exciting and hilarious how mom and dad were so excited to join in the draw games haha!
I can't wait for christmas eve though! Line of activities awaits the coming of christ jesus! mid night christmas mass followed by sleep over at cheryl dearie's house with the likes of Maryann and Catherine to follow up with the past year's gossips and sharings! It's become our annual tradition:)

Main highlights for that day includes Alvin and the Chipmunks movie at goldclass!! K.L baby has intentions of booking tickets at vivo *extra smiles* the whole room to ourselves, coupled with the cuteness cuddly joy of the 3 chip-a-teers! What not to be liked of this christmas 07?

Chipmunks Lian(3) Bi(2) Lian(3)--> Pardon the hanyu, have yet to install the chinese language bar system, lost it since my computer crash (thanks alot bloated penguin:() *JAMES HONG! PLEASE HELP ME REINSTALL!!!!:)

World news reports: Chipmunks on the go! Have you seen him?

Jon Jon's chipmunk look-alike is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee omg during stage technical class he kept doing the teeth and nose wrinkling just drives me more nuts about chipmunk cuteness i think i'm about to burst! Alvin and the chipmunks! Here i come!

Met up with Adeline dearie yesterday after she returned to Singapore from melbourne to spend the holidays:) Lucky baby! Had lots of laughter chatting and feeding ourselves with information we've missed and secret recipes's fantabulous foodies:)

We shared an extra spicy prawn abrabitta with extra extra chilli sauce because we both love spicy foods! (Hot! I like)My signature marble cheese cake with and oatmeal crisp bottom was just nice for my taste buds. Poor Ade's banana chocolate cake was not to her liking though, she was practically forcing the big portion down her throat!


We washed it down with strawberry yogurt shake for me and ice mocca with ice cream for Ade. Satisfied.

After that we went to St james powerhouse for 17 magazine's Queen of Queens! Met up with Cheryl before we headed in:) Tons of people queuing. I was fortunate enough to be on their guest list thanks to Diyana Alan:) I love the atmosphere although it was a tad too small, otherwise it's bar decoration was good. There were make-over and manicure booths, free ice conatos plus free alchohol on the house during the show! The Uni girls were hot! hmmmm sadded i didn't bring along my digi cam and my phone was out of battery! Only managed to snap a few pictures

** boogers we didn't manage to get the goodie bag before we left:(

The competition ended at 10pm before the party began and the dance floor flooded with horny army campers and 17 readers. Cheryl's love love came and she had to spend $4 on locker fee just for my bag! (thanks hon:)) I love her to bits! She practically takes really good care of you when you're drunk, hit on etc etc she's like my second mummy! If age permits i swear she'd tuck me into bed while sleeping over at her house last night haha. She was like especially attentive to make sure i was alright while at the club while i was going high haha. Bestie partie baby! i'll make sure i include you for clubbies! *Double smiles* We left at 130 and headed back to her house and to make up for the locker fee, i grab the tab:) took baths and zonked out straight away after that.

Morning face while awating my turn to the washroom................Utterly pale

Y5:10:00 PM

Thursday, December 13, 2007

AHAHAHA i'm watching to Grow with Love on channel 55. Poor actress had to put on 20 pounds just for the show, but she's so cute! All the lovey dovey scenes are making me gleam with laughter and oozing with sweetness within..... ahhhhhh, well, it's great to look at happy couples, brings out the love in you, makes me believe that one day my true love would appear.

Loving images-> release love-dorphins-> feeling of being loved-> happiness-> no more hate-> better attitude-> world peace!

Yea yea, if only this really happened in real life we would be spared from the tragic news channel news Asia reports every morning and reporters would be out of jobs.

I just had my FYP briefing, clever of them to place it just before school term ends, stressing us all up to think of proposal, groupings and selection of supervisors. Before i even get started with the project I'm already stressed and worried, worried of what direction my group is going to take, how to go about doing a large scale event and where to get our contacts from. Looks like the holidays are not much of a break at all! Making us choose our own teams reminds me of the cruelty of life where only the best are sought, and if you dont make the cut or are less popular, nobody wants you. Kinda sad that the world is so pragmatic. No one's going to wait for you, the world keeps spinning, you just gotta always be on your guard and keep chasing the mad rat race to survive. Pessimistic as it sounds, i wonder how many real friends we'll ever have. Okay, i'll just embrace what i have for now and work harder for a better future.

Y9:12:00 PM

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

it's freezing cold in consumers psycology class right now! I'm freezing my ass off as i type and chatter like a chipmunk, shaking and shivering like a leaf and slamming my frozen chopstick fingers against my keyboard. GOD!

Been raining for ages, i hate rain in a tropical country, just want snow, hail and dale! Doesn't help i had a vanilla milkshake while finishing up my ppt on business segments and strategies. (but it's still good yum!)

(checking out phone camera resolution. 168 KB, so much better than the 3.5 KB 6111 phone!)

I miss your jacket and smell, wrapping it round, busking in it's warm embrace feels as though you're hugging me. Wish there were a number to dial for jacket delievery. I should start a business employing pretty girls with a hot bod, dressed with nothing but a warm winter coat to deliver warm hugs and a kiss to lonely males. and the hotline is 613131313 (want me want me want me)Yea! I think i'll earn big bucks albeit a questionable ethical one (:P)

Y1:46:00 PM

Monday, December 10, 2007

Recently upgraded my phone to 6120! Delighted! my older 6111 has been cranky for the past 2 months, blank screen and slow response. It's great having the new 3 G phone at such a very good rate of $$0! With a new subscription of a new line or an upgrading of your current plan, you can stand to enjoy the newest generation of mobile phones absolutely free!

This sounds so much like a commercial. (grab while stocks last!)

I had dinner twice today. The feeling is tremendously horrible. I was eating with K.L at causeway, enjoying the crystal jade chicken wings, korean bbq and sharing teh peng with the poor guy. (Raining all night, wet road, skidding bike, hand and kneee injuries with a torn bermudas:( Get well soon!) I came home and mother cooked a bowl of wanton soup! So much for her efforts, i had to gobble the load of slippery dumplings. It tastes so good, but feels so bad. Having a terrible bount of indigestion:(
Talking to louis about spending time with our folks, i think we youngsters don't spend enough time with our parents. It's been more than once since i saw my mother looking lonely and longing for her own children's companion. Guilty like the majority, i used to think hanging out with my folks was uncool because i'm grown up, i should live a life of my own and stop being childish. <- Now that's childish........ Can you imagine?
Celebrations of a new born child!
Cries of joy and hopes are pinned,
money spent to nurture and prim
providing the best foods and development courses
just for a better future to keep up with the rest,
scoldings and beating which hurts them all,
finally independence and long awaited convocation
off to work and a very bright future
20 years have gone by, your life is just about to end
while theirs just begin,
but new thoughts and aspiration
no longer communicating because you're old fashion
"Stop bugging me with herbal soups and tonic drinks"
"Just leave my room, i'll pay you monthly maintence fee"
"don't talk to me i'm concentrating"
"don't buy clothes for me, they don't fit and your taste sucks"
"Don't tell me what to do! I'm an adult now!"
"I don't need your advice!"
"You're irritating, just go away"
Dear son and daugter i just want to say
i'm sorry i bothered, don't mean to be this way
I'm old and ageing, sorry for nagging
i just want to make sure you eat well and still glowing
i can't forget that you're my baby even though you're an adult
20, 40 or 60, you'll still be my dancing child, prancing all about
I don't want to take up too much of your time
i know you're very busy
Just want to say a few words
i love you, you make me a very proud mummy and daddy

Y8:58:00 PM

Friday, December 7, 2007

Dinner was a blast at this new hongkong diner in J8 with K.L. He had hongkong seafood horfun and i had seafood baked rice, portugese curry style. Seafood, seafood and more seafood. He wasn't quite full (that piggy!) so we went to that famous coffee shop around the corner to swallow more fish soup and rojak. We were so full, practically rolled home on the bike. Pleasures of food and fat-full guilt.

Finally found the time to upload pictures stuck in my camera for the longest time. I promised aunty Han i'll dedicate something to her. And for ms poh who wants the pictures during flame awards, enclosed are yours for free grabs. I promise i won't sue you for copy rights infringement. Please get those group photos from your love love:)

Aunties of the world Yes, red rose vacillations! Alvin and the chipmunks

Aunty han's butterfly hickey (really big one indeed)

Havne't had the habit of taking photos and blogging everywhere i go, but i really hope to retain pleasant memories of events and daily happenings, just like a diary, just that here contains more pleasant than teary sadness. i still remember while working in sizzler suntec, i asked my friend whether she recorded happy events or the saddest things in her life in her precious diary, sadily enough, it was the latter. Well, i guess we all deem diaries a place of solace where endless private bitching of bitterness could be spilled without the guilt of anyone else knowing. I seldom take out my "Princess-diva" diaries to read anymore. So, why not record pleasant memories instead? Life is miserable enough as it is. Let's have some self-induced pity and remind ourselves of the little but happy moments we've been through, here in our little lives.

Y10:20:00 PM

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Is december a good month of procreation? Soooo many people are borned in the month of december. I've practically wished individuals happy birthdays every single day! Amazing.

Just went for a photoshoot. Hours of grooming and 15 mins of shots just for 2 pictures. Oh my.... Piles and piles of make up on my face that makes me look like a ghost under normal lights! Had 2 looks, but i prefered the latter. Tons of fun though. Shall upload nicer photos when i receive them:)

No Make up Heaviest make up EVER
Christmas is coming, yet another one year has gone by without notice.
New Year's resolution: Better life, eat lesser and lose those fats!

Y10:23:00 PM

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Recently my best biatch friend Hadi, who sits on my right at Arts Management class, landed himself a best friend Goldfish. As compatible the both of them are, a match made in heaven, every week, Hadi would tell me how great and beautiful Goldfish is and how her lips pout so much it literally drives him nuts! And her eyes are so big, beautiful and sparkling it shines like the moon beam and touches his heart like paradise. hahahah. Love Hadi to bits because without him i don't know what life would be like during lesson, with no one to seek comfort with verbal diarrhoea and stealing his food. Here's a poem specially for him and his Goldfish.

The moment you look into my eyes, i knew you'd be in my team

Afraid of your presence, your almighty sparkling gleem

Those lips, as red as rum red rose

That pout and mourn for love first kiss (i won't give it to you)


Every week i see you, i can't contain my words

To see you speak your mind i tremble, can't wait to strangle you it hurts


So don't mess with me Goldfish! I just want you to leave!

Don't print copies of the same phrase singing I LOVE YOU

When you actually don't mean it PLEASE!

Just walk out the door, don't ever come back

Cos when i see you, just want to give you a smack!

So just go baby


Y10:13:00 PM

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Oh My Goodness..... haha, i left my blog as it is to promote the cosmetics fanatic last season, now that it's died off i shall just finally repost. I still remember the days while selling cosmetics and having lesson, bringing the heavy sample charles and keith bag every tuesday, practically running floors and delivering the orders to and fro while in the middle of meeting 2 and 3. Gosh, tiring yet satisfactory:) Not to mention my pockets stuffed with some extra $$ helps! Thanks all who bought! Much appreciated:)

I really can't imagine the amount of energy youths used to have, while working and juggling studies at the same time, yet many of them still manage to make it to Uni level with a scholarship to complete their masters. Oh my gawd.. kudos to my aunts and relatives with 110% IQ levels, just the right amount of luck plus a hell lotta determination. I think youths these days are way too pampered, me including. My mother always complain that when she was my age, her fingers met scrubbing the floor, washing the laundry and cooking while mine enjoyed the luxury comfort of utmost pampering at the manicures (once in awhile of course) and flexibility at ivory and ebony keyboards since young. I wonder what kids would be subjected to in future, maybe the new generation won't even need fingers to feed themselves, just one click of a button and everything's done. High efficiency level and very scary.

Recently Republic Poly held it's annual Flame Awards ceremony with interntional mafia theme, at the TRCC, now widely publicised by the media with tons of artists and famous faces appearing nonstop in the attempt to promote the newly launched campus. Me, Alvin, Wan ning and Aunty Hannah were incharged of programming side and although alvin was constantly keeping charge of administrative matters at our side, it was such a big fat blast of mess on the actual day itself that i actually forgot to go on stage to receive my award! (oh man) yea, i was making sure EMP were ready and they were playing cat and mouse hunt in between locations so i couldn't find them, when i went back to the theatre only to realise that the category of awards has moved on to the Helicon club. I probably looked like a total sucker strandled in a dark theatre wearing an oversized cheongsam and high heels which made my feet peel thinking to myself "okay, was i supposed to be here just now?" hahah well nevermind, high moment passed, at least i got the award:) Anyway, i just thank God for my hardworking members and so many people who never fail to nag and remind me admist the hectic schedule in between school, projects and external jobs:) Great job and a successful event is as good as a warm bubble bath for my peeling heels!( i want those pictures! Wan ning, ask your love love to send them!)

Y9:57:00 PM

♥i'm soaring high anyway.....

♥I'm a girl with 2 eyes, a nose and a mouth

♥Alot of things in life that money can't buy


I like hearts

June 2007
July 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
February 2009

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